More theorems about graphs

More theorems about graphs

Last week, I practiced a bit more enhanced talk presentation style in which, rather than with slides, the content is spoken and then enhanced in the video using additonal illustrations. The presentation deals with some things I have done in graph theory which I consider as part of quantum calculus or elementary mathematics. (two topics were worked on in collaborations: the Riemann-Hurwitz topic with Tom Tucker and the Lusternik-Schnirelman Topic with Frank Josellis. The topics have been written about but is mostly unpublished material. As explained also in this movie, there is a bit of a culture problem in that many mathematicians consider graphs as one dimensional simplicial complexes or then embedded in some Euclidean space. 1) Barycentric Universality 2) Isospectral Deformation 3) Trees and Forests… 4) Branched Coverings 5) Random Graphs 6) Energy Theorems… 7) Hydrogen relation 8) Zeta Functions 9) Divisor Degrees 10) Topological Category

Maybe a meta remark about presentation (I might write about this elsewhere as I believe the presentation style pushes the envelope a bit): the technological effort is quite big. For this production as for the previous ones, the raw material alone is hundreds of gigabites as it is camera features from several cameras as well as graphics renderings. The other source material like books papers, images etc completely pale. I’m actually faster like this than writing a keynote presentation in powerpoint. There is a disadvantage too: with a the final cut project being more than a TBytes large, it has to be thrown away afterwards. But that is also good. One of the devil things with powerpoint is that one tends to reuse them. It kills the spontaneity, the freshness.