Arboricity, Dimension, Category
We aim to show that the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of a graph is bound by the augmented dimension. We can try to prove this by using tree coverings and so look at arboricity.
We aim to show that the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of a graph is bound by the augmented dimension. We can try to prove this by using tree coverings and so look at arboricity.
A bit about group theory triggered by the observation that some of the non-natural groups are non-simple groups which do not split. The later problem is a central issue in the classification problem of finite groups. While the finite simple groups have been classified in a monster effort and finitalized …
A bit more update on the project of natural spaces. Which groups are natural, which metric spaces are natural, which graphs are natural?
The Mickey mouse theorem assures that a connected positive curvature graph of positive dimension is a sphere.
For a one-dimensional simplicial complex, the sign less Hodge operator can be written as L-g, where g is the inverse of L. This leads to a Laplace equation shows solutions are given by a two-sided random walk.
The strong ring is a category of geometric objects G which are disjoint unions of products of
simplicial complexes. Each has a Dirac operator D and a connection operator L. Both are related in
various ways to topology.